Winston Thu | About Me
Performance-focused and innovative professional, offering hands-on experience in production coordination, filmmaking, cinematography, videography, and photography; combined with proven expertise in audio and video editing, retouching, and restoration. Equipped with solid technical skills in utilizing diverse cutting-edge tools and media production techniques to ensure high-quality production. Effective at collaborating with clients, colleagues, and other stakeholders to ensure timely and under-budget completion of projects. Articulate communicator; bilingual in English and Burmese.
Win, Winston, Thu, Myanmar, Burma, Video, Editor, Marketing, Coordinator, Post-Production, Los Angeles, Adobe Premiere, Premiere, Entertainment
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I consider myself a professional storyteller, creating visuals that represent the whole picture while celebrating the small details.
I am a Content Creator, Videographer and Video Editor based in Central Florida.
I truly love what I do, and I am passionate about creating a whole new world with the simple clicks of the keys on the computer keyboard. I enjoy the challenge of visually telling a story without saying one single word, and the art and science of patching together videos for the audience to feel what the characters are going through. I believe in hard work, excellence, and integrity, as well as having fun while working. I love to combine creativity, technical skills, and attention to detail in order to create a compelling visual story.
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